Solace Farm
Solace farm is Caleb and Amy Rae, in Coalmont, TN. Amy works the farm, and Caleb is a Physician Assistant in Coalmont, and of course, a farmer on the weekends. We have a variety of animals – heritage chickens and turkeys, ducks and geese, Scottish Highland cattle, goats and alpacas, miniature horses, dogs and cats of course, and whatever else strikes our fancy. Our farm is located on a reclaimed stripmine, so my gardening is slow-going, but steadily improving. I am gradually building raised beds to combat the fact that we really don’t have soil, just rocks of different sizes. If any fertilizer is needed, we use the output of our goats, chickens, and alpacas as well as composting veggie scraps and using green manure crops. For bug control, we utilize the poultry as much as possible (they love June bugs and Japanese beetles!) as well as garlic and Neem oil sprays and hand-picking. We currently have around 45 laying chicken hens and about 3 dozen laying duck hens, and you will often find our eggs here on the market. I also make soap, shampoo and lotion bars, both vegetable-oil based and lard-based, and both scented and all-natural unscented varieties. I welcome special requests – I have made mini-lotions as wedding favors, and would love to work with you on your special project. Coming soon, alpaca yarn and products. Feel free to stop by and get a tour of the farm – amy.rae.e@gmail.com or 235-7462 for directions.