The Weblog
Your Market is Open and Ready for Your Valentine!

To Contact Us
Tullahoma Locally Grown
Costa Rican Tarrazu Fair Trade Organic coffee. Freshly roasted for every order.
Cupping Notes:
Well balanced, sweet cherry, honey chocolate, citrus.
Tullahoma Market News
Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. In addition to the market’s bread, meat, eggs, milk, chicken, coffee, vegetables, and other staples, we are offering a selection of Valentine’s Day related items. You will see a new Valentine’s Day category in the left column of the market’s website. Our Valentine’s items include cookies, cheesecake, and a special candle.
Coffee Lovers, do not worry, we have you covered. Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters crafted a specialty Coffee Lover’s Blend and will customize the label for your gift recipient. See the market site for details.
Coming Events
February 7 (Sunday) – Super Bowl
February 14 (Sunday) – Valentine’s Day
February 16 (Monday) – Washington’s Birthday (President’s Day) Federal Holiday – Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters Closed
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!